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admin, Page 2

Airgun silencer part 1

I’ve got a couple of airgun projects that have been in the back of my mind for years… Ultimately I’m working towards …

The Blog has moved!

The Blog has now moved to 😉 The is filled with a lot of things… and it was time to …

Disco-Dan’s Beer Garden

Day 6: Somebody must have told the nurses that I have impeccable rhythm… They gave me my own private Disco…! And then …


Day 5: Today I had my footprints taken… And Daddy got a chance to kangaroo me! a PROUD daddy!

Cute and a little yellow

Yesterday we noticed a little yellow hue… Jaundice (geelsug for the afrikaans speaking) – but quite natural… They’ve been keeping a keen …

Some videos of the new man

Here are some videos of the first day of Matthias’ life… being a real strong fighter! And some very sweet nurses in …

Day 3 – Resting…

Every growing man needs a lot of rest! …just like my Funcle (Fun-Uncle) Fielies! who is testing Mommy’s bed

And the Countdown is on…

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new family member, later this year… October, if everything goes according to plan…